Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Canal Challenge! - Another Step

So I had an idea yesterday. Rollerblade in the basement and I'm glad I did. At first I took baby steps but then I started gliding a bit and getting used to it. Not an expert but it did bolster my confidence! Chewing bubble gum and holding something in my hand (lip balm) were other tricks I used. Getting up still is a nuisance and man, did my feet hurt but hey, it's progress!


Monday, January 31, 2011

Canal Challenge!

Well here it is the very last day of January! Winterlude will be upon us this weekend and we'll be going to the opening ceremonies across the bridge in Hull. In preparation, last week I DID make it on to the ice at a local rink. Unfortunately, I was less than stellar (although I was told I did a good job of at least STANDING UP on the ice!).

The last time I was skating was almost 20 years ago. You'd think I should be able to saunter out there wouldn't you? Why isn't it like riding a bike and when did this paranoia creep in? Well skating isn't that easy nowadays but I'm determined!

So here's yet another challenge! Will I do it in a week?